Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Anthony Lerew makes his second start of 2010 for Kansas City tonight on the heels of a pretty good effort his first time out. Maybe there's still time for him to become a solid major league contributor. Armed with an upper 90s fastball and a lot of confidence, he looked to be headed for much better than that when he arrived in Mississippi in 2005. Remember the so-called Young Guns of the '05 M-Braves staff? Lerew, Blaine Boyer, Zach Miner, Macay McBride, Matt Wright and Matt Coenen comprised the rotation, and the consensus then was that at least a couple of these guys would bolster the Atlanta rotation down the line. It didn't happen, a cautionary tale about putting too much stock in prospect rankings. Boyer, currently with Arizona as a middle-innings reliever, and Lerew are the only ones currently in the big leagues. Miner, who has had some success over the years, is on the disabled list with Detroit. McBride, who also got some big league time, is pitching in indy ball. Wright and Coenen, who had injury issues, never made The Show and have dropped off the radar.

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